7 Things Only Disney Can Get Away With
Updated: 5 days ago
Things that Disney does that are so smart, yet so sneaky — and kind of weird.

1. Did you know they monitor how frequently toilets are flushed in one area to know how crowded an area is?
If I told you any other company was tracking your toilet usage, you’d be disgusted. You might also be freaked out about Disney doing it, but you’re less wary because their bathrooms are always well-maintained.
2. They have completely trained guests to put on a tracking device for their entire vacation — MagicBands.
They know when you’re in the resort, in the parks, getting your picture taken, buying a souvenir, and riding “it’s a small world.” They’re like Santa. They see you when you’re sleeping and they know when you’re awake.
3. Disney has named a color “go away green” and uses it on non-immersive areas they don’t want you to look at (power boxes, back-stage elements, etc.)
So magical! Come to Disney they said! But whatever you do, don’t look at that ugly green door.
4. There are buildings painted “blending blue” to blend in with the sky so hopefully guests won’t notice them.
It somehow works and now you feel really dumb for missing a whole building because you thought it was the sky.
5. There are no mirrors behind the sinks in the bathrooms in the parks because they don’t want guests taking up space looking at themselves in the mirror when others need to wash their hands.
Seriously, why are they so attuned to their guests' bathroom trips?
6. We love wayfinding! Especially the rock “sewage” trail that guides guests from Frontierland to Liberty Square!
Next time you’re in Liberty Square, look down at the ground and notice the brown river-like path in the red concrete. Do you know what that represents? The poop trail from when colonies didn’t have a proper sewage system yet so poop was flowing in the streets. For that reason, this is the only area in the park that doesn’t have a bathroom. How immersive!
7. They literally own everything and could basically take over the world.
ESPN? Disney. Hulu? Disney. 21st Century Fox? Disney. ABC? Disney. Need I say more?