Drink Recipe: Night Blossom
Updated: 3 days ago
Nestled deep in Pandora – The World of Avatar, below the Malmock (Na’vi word for stone arches), guests can find the quick-service spot, Pongu Pongu. In the language of the Na’vi, pongu pongu translates to “party party” and that is exactly the vibe its delicious frozen drinks give off. My personal favorite is the Night Blossom. The menu describes it as a, “mixture of limeade with apple and dessert pear flavors topped with passion fruit boba balls.”
Naturally, I needed to find a replica recipe to make at home to enjoy when I ~shouldn’t~ spend my money on another Disney vacation. While there are not many copycat recipes to be found, the ones that I did find all substituted the flavors with raspberry, as opposed to Disney’s apple and pear flavor. I decided to give it a try and I was not disappointed.

Frozen Night Blossom
Yields four servings
1 cup raspberry sherbet
1 cup frozen raspberries
2 cups ice
1 can lemon-lime soda (like Sprite)
Lime sherbet
Boba balls (optional)
Blend raspberry sherbet, frozen raspberries, ice, and soda until you reach a smooth consistency. Add more soda, as needed if the consistency is too thick.
Pour a portion of the raspberry mixture into a cup. Scoop lime sherbet on top of the mixture. Fill the rest of the cup with the mixture to create a layered effect.
Top with boba balls and enjoy!
I substituted frozen limeade for the lime sherbet, added more Sprite than the recipe called for and excluded the boba balls. Although it was not a complete replica, it was a delicious frozen drink that embodied the sense of adventure I long for. So until I can ride on the back of a banshee and listen to the Shaman sing, this fun drink will cure my wanderlust.